Exibition Area
Via Sirio 3, Cassina De’ Pecchi
20051 – Milan, Italy
Ph: +39.335.75.16.019
Tech Partner
Real Again, Via Sant'Ottavio 56,
10124 – Turin, Italy
Monday – Friday: 10 am to 6 pm


Time to meet

SozzisArt: Space - Time

Enter the Inverso Multiverse

Space-time Art

Works of art that cross
Time and Matter
at the turn of two millennia.

We create works of art capable of crossing two centuries (at the turn of two millennia) thanks to the process of re-mediation that David Bolter and Richard Grusin speak of, declined in an artistic and creative key. A real passage of space-time witness, a way to make Alessio Sozzi’s creativity indissoluble and irreplicable by generating original and unique “dual” works. Precisely because of their duality – material and digital – the works created by the Collective have elements of originality and uniqueness even within the Ordinals world. Unlike the works of art prevalent among those certified through this technology, which are almost exclusively digital, those of the Sozzi have a material origin that can be purchased.

Where it all begins

Alessio Sozzi
the Italian artist from whom it all originated.


Public Monuments


Art competitions


Exhibitions and Expositions


Career years

Alessio Sozzi, the Tuscan artist who with his overflowing creativity crossed the ‘900 becoming a witness and protagonist of the main dichotomies and themes of the last century. During his 70 years of career and his stays in different continents, he has created public monuments in Europe and the Americas, exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. and his pictorial and sculptural works are present in hundreds of private and public collections. His unmistakable signature is present in catalogues and art books of the ‘900 and his works have been reviewed and commented by the main Italian art critics.

Excerpt from Criticism

It is the escape from materialistic reality that manifests itself through the decomposition, recomposition and wise juxtaposition of colors, liberated in cosmic space, with indistinct figurations that leave, to the observer, the possibility of its direct insertion to the point to be established, through speculative imagination and spiritual sensitivity, a real creative and interpretive collaboration.

Andrea Calderazzo

Art Critic

Excerpt from Criticism

In the semantic ambiguity of the forms - spaces or sidereal fragments or marine flowers that appear - there is a vast latitude of meanings, of suggestions, like a play of the imagination, a leavening and transmuting of reality, a kind of magic mirror.

Elvio Natali

Art Critic

Excerpt from Criticism

Alessio Sozzi's temperament is clearly dramatic. The artist also demonstrates this when he opens himself to a cosmic vision, in which the sense of space and the free flow of the nebulae offer the pretext for the evocation of a sort of limbo, in which the faint suggestion of a relaxing luminosity is contrasted with the abrupt call of a condition at the bottom of which a dormant but not extinguished fire rises.

Mario Monteverdi

Art Critic


"Every great work of art has two faces, one for its time and one for the future, for eternity."

We use the most innovative technologies to give new life to the visionary, fascinating and topical creativity of Maestro
Alessio Sozzi.

High resolution digitization

To acquire the material works produced in the last century by Alessio Sozzi and give them new life in the digital universe.

3D Modeling

To give new life to Sozzi’s sculptural works by digitally shaping them in a fascinating passage of artistic and creative witness.

Generative Artificial Intelligence

The powerful artificial intelligence algorithms of the latest generation to recreate, starting from the creative legacy of Sozzi, new works in an extraordinary combination between human creativity and that of machinery.

NFT and Blockchain

To make the works of Sozzi and the SozzisArt Collective unique and unfalsifiable and to make them available to the community of collectors and lovers of digital and material art.

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